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Anyone who has had to live with the discomfort and inconvenience of chronic back discomfort, will tell you that it's no cakewalk. This condition can range from mildly uncomfortable to absolutely agonizing. Fortunately, this handpicked selection of tips and tricks will offer insight into some of your options for treating and living with back discomfort.

Use ice to help alleviate back discomfort, as it can reduce swelling and inflammation from injuries that cause back pain. Apply the ice to the affected area two or three times per day for 10 to 20 minutes, and this may help you feel better. An ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables can be used for this purpose.

Use good posture, even if your back hurts. Slouching down or leaning to the side may seem to relieve the pain in the short term, but it can make things worse over time. Using good posture when you are symptom-free can obviously also prevent back pain from occurring in the first place.

Some people have to work and stand for long hours at a time. If you must do this, then make sure you try and stand tall and straight. Try and allow your legs to rest too from time to time if possible, perhaps on a stool or bench if you are allowed to do that.

Make sure to always remember to stretch before you attempt any sort of exercise or physical activity. Stretching allows your back to get prepared for the activity to come. Forgetting this important step can lead to serious pain later on and that is what we want to avoid.


To help prevent back pain, have adequate back support when lounging. Furniture isn't always designed with this in mind, so remember to use good posture and back support when sitting and reclining. For example, give your lower back a little support by placing a rolled up towel in the small of your back.

Many people know that exercise and proper posture can help relieve their back discomfort, but did you know that sometimes all you actually need to do is to de-stress? You may think your back discomfort is causing your stress, but actually it might be your stress causing your pain.

Heat has also been found to be an effective way to relieve back problems, especially lower back pain. Heat therapy, such as heating pads, wraps or baths are inespensive and easy to do. It's best to alternate back and forth between ice and heat therapy to get the best results.

Do not wear a shoe with a heel over one inch. If heels higher than this are worn, the wearer's center of gravity shifts. This causes back strain and pain. It can become chronic pain if high heels are worn often. If they must be worn, limiting the amount of time spent in them will help decrease the chance of pain and injury.

Don't force yourself to work through back pain. Your body needs time and rest to heal, and your pain will not go away until it gets some rest. Continuing to struggle so that you can complete your daily tasks can make an already bad situation worse. You also risk undoing any progress that you have already made.

There are many people who suffer from back discomfort in silence because they feel as though it is something to be embarrassed about. There is no shame in having pain and it doesn't mean that you are old as there are lots of causes that can lead to this problem.

One important tip for those suffering from pack pain is to find the proper type of mattress to support your sensitive back. You do want a firm mattress, but going for too hard of a mattress can be detrimental to your back. Find a comfortable medium, a nice firm mattress with a little bit of sink.

Be very, very careful if you are taking pain killers to get rid of your back discomfort. Not only can these ultimately worsen the pain when you are no longer taking them, but many people become dependent on the pain killers. Pain meds are drugs, and drugs can birth drug addicts. Approach these meds with caution.

If your job involves a lot of sitting or standing still, which can cause back strain and chronic pain, it's important to relax your back after you get home. Don't get into the same sitting position that you used at work! Try laying on your stomach while reading to stretch your back the opposite way.

Avoid standing for long periods of time. Standing for too long aggravates the back muscles and puts a great amount of strain on them. Make sure to sit when you can and to avoid situations that require standing for too long. If you know you will have to stand for a long time, make sure to stretch before and afterwards.

It is important that you learn to identify the difference in physical exertion and physical pain if you want to get rid of back pain. At the onset of pain, you can begin to do a few stretches to loosen your muscles. With exertion, you will know that it's time to take a rest before you injure yourself.

To relieve back pain caused from working at the computer, try adjusting your chair. Adjust your chair's height to the point that the computer screen is below your eye level and you don't need to reach up to gain access to your keyboard. Then, move your chair closer to the screen, so you aren't hunching over while working. This will keep your spine straight and help keep you from worse problems later on.

The type of shoes you wear can help to alleviate back pain, so try to get some of those comfort cushioned shoe soles to help out. Those types of soles with the gel inside of them are a great pick. If those are a little too pricy for you, just try a pair of shoes that are more comfortable for you to wear.


In order to minimize your back pain, you should be sure you are not overweight. Any excess weight can put pressure and strain on your back, which results in pain for you. Watch what you eat and exercise, keep your weight in check, and you will experience less back discomfort.

As stated before in the introduction above, eventually, most people will experience back pain. The pain can last a short time, or become a chronic condition that lasts for years. It is caused by different factors, some of which can be eliminated. Remember the advice from this article to help you isolate factors in your life that may be causing you back discomfort.