You have been sitting or standing a lot at work, and you are experiencing your first signs of lower-back pain. Uncomfortable, isn't it? If you are a back pain sufferer, you're not alone. Most adults will feel severe discomfort in their lower back at some point in their life. Relieving back discomfort is tricky, but there are some tips that can help. Read on to learn more.
If you have severe back pain and are unable to schedule an appointment with your regular physician, consider going to the emergency room to avoid doing permanent damage to your spine. Try lying flat on your back with your knees bent to take some pressure off your back. This will help to reduce the tension that can be in the muscles and tendons that run from the back through the legs.
Use over the counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, to help relieve back discomfort. Taking oral pain medications can allow you to function somewhat normally when you are suffering from a bout of back pain. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package for best results.
Strengthening your muscles is as important to healing from a back injury as it is to preventing future injury. That said, people already experiencing back pain should not engage in exercises that put undue strain on their injured muscles. For that reason, walking briskly every day is the best way to work through injuries while also working all the muscles in your body to prevent future injuries.
Make sure you drink enough water. The human body is primarily water, including our muscles and the discs in our spines. Getting enough water helps increase the size of the intervertebral discs, which will keep your spine flexible and reduce your back discomfort. You really can't drink too much water.
You need to watch what position you sleep in as well if your back is hurting. Consult your physician, and see what he or she recommends. It is often recommended to sleep on your side with your legs curled up slightly. It is also said often that it is not a good idea to sleep on your back.
Men that suffer with back discomfort, should discontinue carrying a wallet in their hip pocket. Try putting the wallet in a front pocket instead, or at least remove it from your back pocket when sitting for long periods of time. A wallet, especially a thick one, can cause a lot of back pain. It can throw the hips out of alignment also.
Proper stretching is probably one of the best ways you can work to eliminate frequent back pain. When you stretch, whether you're doing toe touches, sit-ups or side bends, you are loosening the muscles and relieving some of the tension there. A failure to stretch properly could lead to a pulled muscle or spasms.
When you hurt your back, usually hamstring stretching exercises can prove to be very helpful. If the muscles on the backs of your thighs are tight, they can usually cause your lower back to experience a lot of unnecessary stress and pain. You should stretch your hamstring muscles at least twice a day for 45 seconds at a time.
Heat has also been found to be an effective way to relieve back problems, especially lower back pain. Heat therapy, such as heating pads, wraps or baths are inespensive and easy to do. It's best to alternate back and forth between ice and heat therapy to get the best results.
Unless you have recently had back surgery, it is important that you try to avoid wearing back braces. There is no medical evidence proving that it helps back conditions or pain. In fact, recent studies suggest that it may aggravate certain back conditions and even cause the pain to worsen.
In some cases, back discomfort sufferers find that acupuncture is a good treatment for their ailment. The jury is still out on acupuncture, and it might be a little too pricy depending on how available it is in your area, but thousands of back discomfort sufferers swear by the results of the needles.
If you're one of the many millions of people suffering from back pain, a great and quick remedy you can try is to do squats. Stand straight up with your feet about shoulder's width apart, and then squat straight down. This will stretch your muscles out and should help to relieve any pain you're feeling.
Some methods are better to try than others when fighting against back pain, and one of the best you can try is to simply elevate your legs. By lying flat on your back and elevating your legs, you are taking a whole heap of tension off of your back muscles. This will allow for the muscles to relax.
Keep your weight under control. Excessive weight gain can put stress on your back muscles and cause them to do more work. Get those pounds off by starting an exercise routine and by eating a healthy diet. Getting your weight to a manageable size can do wonders for your back pain.
A way to decrease back discomfort that is not often considered is to raise the size of your fonts on your computer. The logic is simple: if you can't read something on your computer screen, you tend to hunch over your computer to read it. By increasing your font size, you alleviate the need to hunch over and, therefore, decrease the strain on your back!
Try water therapy. Sitting in a tub with warm or hot water and mineral salts can soothe back pain fairly quickly. Warmth relieves pain, and the mineral salts help as well. Try taking a hot bath every day and watch how your back responds. A nice bath can do a lot of good for your back.
Change positions as often as you can. Sitting or standing in one position for an extended period of time can be a significant trigger to back discomfort. Instead, change it up. Find ways to do activities that typically need to be done in stagnant positions in many different ways! Many of your office activities can be adjusted to be done in ways more beneficial for your posture.
An effective treatment for back pain, if it is applied quickly after the injury, is ice. Applying ice directly on the affected area will help to relieve stress and pain, and also work to reduce swelling. The key is to get ice on the area as soon as possible in order to see the best results.
Making small changes throughout your daily life to better adjust for the back, is not as hard as it may seem. These little improvements, when applied routinely, will have a positive influence on the strength and support of your spinal column. A spine with more support is less likely to develop issues, thus, will keep you free from back pain.